Cat Sitting

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Concerned about leaving your cat in a cattery while you venture away for a holiday or weekend? Exhausted the goodwill of friends and neighbours for cat-sitting help? Does your feline friend have particular dietary or health needs?

Understanding that cats are habit-oriented and value their independence, we know that they can react negatively to being relocated and having their routines altered. Choosing our cat sitting service allows your cats to stay comfortable in their own home, adhering to their usual routines, meals, and dietary needs. Every activity your cats are accustomed to when you’re around, they can comfortably continue with our dedicated cat sitter. Furthermore, our comprehensive care extends beyond cats to include all your pets and even your home.

By choosing our services, your cats will:

  • Enjoy the familiarity of their own home
  • Maintain their regular routines
  • Adhere to their usual diet
  • Continue their grooming habits
  • Receive any necessary medication and special attention required
  • Experience the same level of love and care you provide, so much so, they probably won’t even notice you’ve gone!

Trust us for a comprehensive, reliable, and compassionate solution to your cat care and home maintenance needs.

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