Dog Sitting

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By booking us as your dog sitter, you can ensure that your dogs will remain in the comfort of their own home and maintain their familiar routine, alleviating the stress associated with being away. Whether you have large or small dogs, pet or working dogs, or any variation in between, We will provide the following services:

  • Home-based care: We will take care of your dogs at your home, allowing them to stay in their familiar environment.
  • Routine maintenance: We will adhere to their daily routines, ensuring that their regular activities and schedule are followed consistently.
  • Proper feeding: Your dogs will be fed their usual food at their regular meal times, guaranteeing continuity in their dietary habits.
  • Medication and special diets: If your dogs require medication or have specific dietary needs, we will administer the prescribed medication and adhere to any special diets accordingly.
  • Puppy training continuation: If you have a puppy, we will continue their training and ensure they attend their classes as necessary.
  • Exercise as instructed: Your dogs will receive the exact amount of exercise you specify, and we will take them to the designated places you prefer. Whether they require extensive exercise or have restrictions due to age or health issues, we will strictly follow your instructions.

Overall, our dog sitting services aim to provide a seamless experience for your dogs by maintaining their routine, keeping them comfortable at home, and catering to their individual needs.

Service Booking Form

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