
Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the service?

When you contact Franklin Pet Sitting you will be quoted a rate per day which is arrived at from the number, type, and requirements of your animals and home.
50% of the service rate is payable to Franklin Pet Sitting in advance to make a booking.
The rest you will pay the day before the service ends.
Additional expenses:
You also pay travel expenses (40p per mile or public transport costs).  We can give you an idea of the approximate total travel costs whether by train, or car.

How do I pay?

We accept payment methods like PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Stripe.

Is it secure to let the sitter in my house?

Absolutely! We can provide you DBS Check.

Do you have insurance?

Yes! We are fully insured.

What if I am delayed on my return?

Please try to inform us as soon as possible so that if we need to leave for another assignment immediately after yours, we can arrange temporary cover for you. We will not leave your home and animals unattended.

What if I need service urgently?

We can usually provide service even at very short notice.

Franklin Pet Sitting, Contact

Inquiries still remain?

Are there concerns that were not addressed here? We’re here to help.