Privacy Policy

Here at Franklin Pet Sitting your privacy and the privacy of your pet matter to us immensely.

The below text sets out how we collect and store your data thus allowing us to make sure we can provide the best dog walking, pet sitting & house sitting services for you.

The below is applicable if you are a current client of Franklin Pet Sitting, or have contacted us via any of our contact channels (e.g. Phone, Email, Contact Form)

Please do read the below and if you do have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

As a client of Franklin Pet Sitting, we collect information including your name, address, phone number, and details with regard to your pet. This data is collected through the necessary service booking forms that are completed during the client onboarding process.

Should you use our contact form on the Franklin Pet Sitting website, we collect and store your name, address, email address, and telephone number.

No information other than that on the client onboarding forms or through the website contact form is collected or stored by Franklin Pet Sitting.

The personal information that is collected is used for:

– Accurate invoicing to our clients using the correct information they’ve provided us.

– Greater knowledge of individual clients’ needs and the needs of their dogs.

– Communication of upcoming scheduling changes and availability.

– Contacting in case of emergency

Under GDPR Franklin Pet Sitting have a legitimate and contractual interest to collect and store this personal data to ensure the highest quality service is provided.

Franklin Pet Sitting will never share your information with any 3rd parties without your prior written consent.

Personal data collected by Franklin Pet Sitting is stored securely in Google Drive Suite under 2 Step authentication systems. In addition, paper versions of client forms are locked away in a secure location.

Anyone who has access to these files on Drive Suite or the secure location has prior training on how to handle such data.

Franklin Pet Sitting keeps your personal data for as long as you are a client of the business. We’ll continue to keep this data on record whilst reasonably necessary unless you specifically ask for this personal data to be removed from our records.

With regards to data collected from the website contact form, this data is deleted after 3 months, should you not then be a current client of Franklin Pet Sitting.

At any time you can contact Franklin Pet Sitting and ask to see which data we have with regards to you and your dog. Upon this you can choose to have this data securely deleted however be mindful that this may then mean we are unable to provide services to you.

The Franklin Pet Sitting website uses cookies that help us improve the performance of our site.

If you have any questions on the above then please do contact us at and we’ll aim to get back to you in 48 hours.